Friday, January 8, 2010

Can't Top This

As I mentioned in an earlier post John & I buy each other an ornament every year for Christmas (along with picking up ones on our travels) so this year he was totally excited to give me mine. He kept bugging me for about a week before Christmas about how awesome it it's the BEST ONE I couldn't compete..blah blah blah. You get the idea. So, Christmas morning we did our gifts, then did our stockings, then our ornaments. Ok, his takes the cake. He hand made mini pinecone Tortilla & Mylee ornaments! How cute is he? When we went to VT with the Yearwood/Schloicka clan us girls made ornaments while the guys watched football. I had gone out & bought all this arts and crafts stuff and had picked pinecones up from my parents property weeks before for this project. I had bought this little set that came with animals faces & tails & feet and you had to glue them onto pinecones. I made a pink pig, which I might add came out pretty cute. Thus, John got his idea for his ornaments. He said he would stay up every night doing them after I had gone to bed- he even dipped the pinecones in paint & got my hot glue gun out to make sure these suckers stayed together. How artsy fartsy is he? I think he might have a little Martha Stewart in him too!

Notice that Tortilla has a ball- her favorite toy & Mylee has a stick- her favorite toy

And here you can see Mylee has her blue handkerchief on like she's been wearing

And this is a closeup of Tortilla's birthmark that I think looks like mine (older post)

All right, I'm screwed for next year......

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