Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's

Our plans to actually go out for New Year's got cancelled because of the snow so John & I were going to spend the night alone, in our pj's, playing board games. We ended up getting an invite to go over to Mom N's & Howards for some apps & dinner. Ok- as long as we can come in our pj's. Guess what- everyone was already in their sweats & pj's...love that! It ended up being a nice, quiet night with the fam.

Mmmmm....I had second's on the cake

Ok, so nobody wanted their pics taken because we all looked like crap...but come on! It's New Year's...we HAVE to take pics!

Even Luca knew it was a lazy night

THIS is what happens when you get old & don't go out on New Years anymore. (Check out Nellie jumping up & down and Jack saying "one more"...hilarious)
Our entertainment for the night:

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