Saturday, January 2, 2010

Focal Point

New Year's Eve day two of my closest friends had babies! Amy & Jeff welcomed baby Claire and Caitlin & Dan welcomed Emerson, Teddy and Caroline (yes, triplets!!) to come soon. In light of the great news I had emailed Robyn to let her know & told her about Amy's birthing experience. She was at a doctor's visit & was told she has pre-eclampsia and was directed to go directly to the hospital. She would have to be induced & baby would be a little over 3 weeks early. Amy was in a panic because her hospital bag wasn't packed, she didn't know where the base to the car seat was...etc etc. She just wasn't prepared to go almost a month early with her little one. Well apparently Robyn had a very similiar experience and this is what she said in email:

i wasn't ready either tell her.. I went to my dr's appointment at noon, and was going to Burger king after for a whopper jr -had it all planned out... I get there, they take my BP and say, call your husband you are going upstairs to have this baby..... I just wanted my whopper!! I wasn't ready either and it worked out fine!! All is well!! Send her my love and wishes for a quick delivery!

(i sent an email back to her saying "AHAHAHHAHHAHA")
her response:

I was sooooooo hungry and couldn't eat. The nurse put a Lorna Doone cookie up by the television as my "focal Point" and said I could have it once I had the baby......

I just kept laughing, reading it over & over. Damn whopper. Damn cookie.

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