Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's Snowin

We got some snow today! Here I am on my way to work- I swear I was being safe. I took my camera out at a stop light & then recorded my drive going 10 miles an hour- even though it looks a lot faster!!!! The flakes coming down were huge!

Me & MJ had a nice drive in:

Damn Coupons

For Christmas this year John & I made each other homemade coupons. He had already handed in one good for a week of starting up his car in the morning. Last night he decided to hand in another laundry for a week. UGH. John is usually the one that does the laundry because it annoys him that I forget about it sometimes & it sits in the dryer and I also don't fold his clothes "right". Well....that little sh*t waited until the laundry got good & high to hand that sucker in. I guess I can't blame him.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's The Dogs Again

You know I have no social life when all I post about are the dogs!!!! Ahahaha...poor boring pregnant lady.

So here is Miss Moo staring at Rainbow as she chews on her bone. She does this all the time. Tortilla will go & find a bone out of their basket of toys and chew on it and Mylee will just lay as close as she can in front of her and watch. She doesn't try to take it...she just sits & stares. And Tortilla could give a crap what Mylee is doing...she just keeps on a chewin.

Finally I walked downstairs myself & got Mylee her own bone. See what a good Momma I am already!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Poor Mylee has had to compromise & bury food in the furniture since the ground is frozen solid here in Connecticut.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Yup, I'm What You Might Call A.......

Domestic Diva! Mom N came over Sunday morning to show me how to make her famous pasta sauce. It's so much easier to learn how to cook something once you've been shown all the steps & have written them down for the next attempt at making it. Can I just say how yummy my sauce came out? Momma might have competition now!! *wink* So Mom N & Howard came back over for dinner to check out how I did...I think I did pretty good for my first time (ok, so I mostly watched as she showed me how to do everything..BUT..I did have to keep stirring the sauce for 3 hours with out burning it so that counts for something- right?). I even made a chocolate cake for dessert (no, not homemade people...Betty helped me). BABY STEPS!!!

FYI: I made my apron in 4-H with Aunt Millie when I was still in elementary school! : )

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Day!!!

Phew! Finally got thru to Ticketmaster to buy my tickets to the Carole King/James Taylor Troubadour Tour at Mohegan. Concert is on June 13th...anybody wanna babysit a month old kid?? : )

Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess who I was driving next to again this morning??!!!!!!!!!!!! The bearded lady! Totally had to take her picture, right?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

She's Such A Good Girl

Miss Moo was laying on the bed while I was putting clothes away & The Dog Whisperer was on in the background. I think she was taking pointers on how to be a better behaved pup- look how intently she was watching!


So there I am..driving to work this morning...minding my own business....when.....I come to a stop light. So I stop & glance over at the car next to me. There is a heavy set woman in a small Honda Civic like mine. Interesting. I then take a second glance & lo and behold...what is she doing...oh! She is shaving her face with a disposable razor. For real.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Schloicka Girls

We had Maddie & Kaelyn again this weekend so I took them to the CT Audobon Society in Fairfield for a class on owls. It was fun. We got to disect an owl pellet where we found out that some kind of rodent had been eaten! The rest of the weekend was pretty lazy- the girls did some errands with me, John painted the babies room & finished up the closet, we had a fire going Sunday night while we played Sorry....really relaxing weekend if you ask me. I even got my nap in on Saturday. : )

This is a normal occurence when the girls come to visit..Mylee just sits & watches.

Who Can Out Dance Who?

I totally forgot to post this video from when we celebrated Mom N's birthday a week ago!

Who do you think has more energy????

Friday, January 15, 2010

John's Idea

John took these pics & wanted me to post to the blog. He calls this:

Tortilla Pot Pie

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My New Love

I splurged people.....and I couldn't be happier. I got the new Tano Aflutter handbag & am in love. Still in stores now like Bergdorf Goodman & Neiman Marcus for $310, I snagged it for $150 off of Bonanzle (like Ebay). Now mind you, this means I'm bringing over 12 other cheapy handbags to the consignment store to even out the cost but that works out. Right?

Me Lovey.

In The Shadows

Johnny's Right Hand Man

Last night Big G came over to help John prime the babies room. We were told by a little birdie that he's been bragging about what a good job John has been doing & that he is impressed with his handywork. I think it's safe to say that Bobby O would be impressed too.
Nice work Baba!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Does Anybody Else Agree.....

...that John should be wearing goggles when he is sanding the spackle? He says he's fine....*rolling my eyes*

Friday, January 8, 2010

Can't Top This

As I mentioned in an earlier post John & I buy each other an ornament every year for Christmas (along with picking up ones on our travels) so this year he was totally excited to give me mine. He kept bugging me for about a week before Christmas about how awesome it it's the BEST ONE I couldn't compete..blah blah blah. You get the idea. So, Christmas morning we did our gifts, then did our stockings, then our ornaments. Ok, his takes the cake. He hand made mini pinecone Tortilla & Mylee ornaments! How cute is he? When we went to VT with the Yearwood/Schloicka clan us girls made ornaments while the guys watched football. I had gone out & bought all this arts and crafts stuff and had picked pinecones up from my parents property weeks before for this project. I had bought this little set that came with animals faces & tails & feet and you had to glue them onto pinecones. I made a pink pig, which I might add came out pretty cute. Thus, John got his idea for his ornaments. He said he would stay up every night doing them after I had gone to bed- he even dipped the pinecones in paint & got my hot glue gun out to make sure these suckers stayed together. How artsy fartsy is he? I think he might have a little Martha Stewart in him too!

Notice that Tortilla has a ball- her favorite toy & Mylee has a stick- her favorite toy

And here you can see Mylee has her blue handkerchief on like she's been wearing

And this is a closeup of Tortilla's birthmark that I think looks like mine (older post)

All right, I'm screwed for next year......

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It Adds Up

Just sold another batch of stuff on Ebay for a total of $120.71. Last week I got another check from the consignment store for $348.10. You can call Miss Money Bags if you want.

Coach purse I got for $2.00 at a tag sale at the end of the summer. Sold for $15.55. Not a huge profit BUT every little bit adds up!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Testing It Out

I started fiddling around with my new camera the other night- damn it's got a lot of features. My super duper models agreed to let me take some pics of them so I could practice. Here are a few of the shots I got:

This could be one of my all time favorites of Mylee

This one just makes me smile

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Babies In The Group

New Year's Eve day two of our closest friends had babies- how does that even happen??? What a coincidence (especially since they were both due Jan 25 & 26th). Amy & Jeff live in Ohio so we've only gotten to see the baby in pics but she seems like a doll. Can't wait to actually meet her! Caitlin & Dan live in the area so we were able to go up to the Yale hospital on Sunday to see everyone...and when I say everyone..I mean all 5 of them! Caitlin & Dan had 3 healthy, beautiful babies. How awesome is it that Marnie will have 'older' friends to help show her the ropes!

Amy & Jeff's baby: Baby Claire
This is right after Dan showed John how to swaddle the baby. How cute is that?

Baby Caroline

Baby Emerson (or Emmie for short)

Baby Teddy

After leaving the hospital we stopped off at the Mexican food vendors on the side of the road for pork tacos and burritos. Mind's snowing...and freezing cold out..but we stopped & stood outside to order these suckers. So friggin good...

Ahahhahahha...I love how his eyes are bulging out of their sockets!

See all the snow...nothing stops us.....