Tuesday, December 28, 2010

$25 Grab Bag Gift, Winner Yet Again!

We've made a Christmas Eve tradition of doing a $25 white Santa grab bag with John's family.
John was overcome with excitement at what he ended up with this year...Aunt Paula's yoga video & Reflections yoga women's tank top.

Honestly...I think the tank is very slimming. Wouldn't you agree?

Poor Rainbow

You know what Tortilla got for Christmas? Pink eye! Poor Rainbow. She woke up Christmas Eve morning with it and so we looked online as to what we could do about it before we could get in touch with the vets office. It said to softly wipe the eye with a wet/warm compress...so John thought it would really make Tortilla feel better to have the compress stuck on her eye. Thus, our make shift eye patch with a wet/warm piece of washcloth.

Every time I look at these pics I laugh.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lunar Eclipse 2010

So last night I set our alarm to go off at 3am so that John & I could go out and look at the Lunar Eclipse. You know what we saw? NOTHING!! The cloud coverage was so thick you couldn't see even one stinking star. You know what we saw? The neighbors outside light. That was about it. How disappointing is that?
I made him take a picture with me just to prove we were outside for it.

This pic is definetly a keeper!!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Old School Halloween

My MIL sent me this pic last week of John & I from Halloween many many moons ago. Look how young I look!!!! Where did the time go?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's That Time Of Year Again

Click here and here to watch the Guadagno's break it down!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This Could Quite Possibly Be My Mom....

For anyone who knows my Mom, aka 'The Coupon Queen', you will find this blog post by another Couponer hysterical. Click here! If I didn't know any better...I swear, the post could quite possibly be written by my Mom.

And, by the way, this past Halloween Mom & Dad were invited to a party & Mom dressed up as none other than the Coupon Queen, adorned with crown & coupons all over a dress. Priceless.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Beyond Spoiled

Last night we had spaghetti for dinner...Tortilla's favorite. So of coures the good Momma that I am I made sure there were leftovers for the pups. Sweet little piggy Mylee was so happy & ate hers right up. And Tortilla? No. Of course not. It has to be W-A-R-M pasta. She refuses to eat cold pasta of any sort. Where did this dog come from??? So...I warmed it up in the microwave for a few seconds & voila! Miss Rainbow gobbled it right up.

'Children' are so demanding...aren't they????

Notice how Mylee's plate is nearly clean? And Tortilla is like just sniffing at the pasta? *rolling my eyes*

In the microwave for puppy it goes!

Mmmmm....much better!

And here is Mylee's plate licked CLEAN!

So clean that I bet you can't tell which plate was Mylee's & which plate I pulled out of the cabinet just for the comparison!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pre-Thanksgiving 2010

*Missing Aunt Karen & Serge in the pic*

Fall Family Pics

It was gorgeous here on Saturday, perfect weather for some last minute fall pics before all the leaves have fallen for the season.

What a treat! Uncle Bobby was in town so he got in on the photo op.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

YouTube Sensation???!!!!

This is hilarious. You remember John's snoring post with the video on YouTube? He's gotten 50 hits on it!!! That is way more than any of the other video's I uploaded! Who the heck is listening to him that much???
Click here if you missed the first post!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mylee's Special Visit

Sunday we took a ride to visit Mylee's foster parents. We try to get together at least once a year so that Ellyn & Rob can see how their old friend Mylee is doing. (Click here for last years visit). Usually I just take Mylee so that she has a special day all to herself...this year John, Marnie & Tortilla all joined in. It was awesome- like our own private doggie park but better because we knew all of the dogs temperments & behaviors so we knew the combination of everyone would be safe. I love going there- seeing how happy it makes Mylee makes me smile. Click here to watch all the dogs playing!

After our visit Miss M went home & played with her new stuffed animal Ellyn gave her. How sweet was that?

T-Day Sampling 2nd Annual Trip

This past Saturday the Guadagno family made our way to the Fresh Market Thanksgiving Day Sampling. John & I hit it last year (click here for a refresher) and why not go again for a free "lunch"? We had shrimp, salmon on toast, cheese & crackers, turkey,ham,roast beef,mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, vevet cake, pecan pie and washed it all down with some warm apple cider. Hello! And it's all bite size portions so you're not technically pigging out. Can ya beat that?
Oh! Annnnd...a couple complimented us on our "gorgeous baby". Tee hee hee.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


For Halloween Marnie, Tortilla, Mylee & myself went up to Mom and Dad's for the day. We even ventured up to see the Yearwood/Schloicka clan and then over to Alice & Fred's house (Brian's parents) for some trick or treating! Here's a pic of Robyn, Maddie, Marnie & Kaelyn in their great costumes!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mischief Night

Saturday night was Mischief Night! I totally forgot until I was up in Marnie's room rocking her to sleep when I saw 5 kids walk down the street totally dressed in black. Luckily I've been keeping all the lights on outside while John is away (deters robbers & other bad guys, right?). Looks like it worked!

This is the house at the end of our street:

These are the houses at the beginning of our street:

And here is what they did to our property:

Ha! Just a little balled up toilet paper in the mailbox?? AND...the best part? It wasn't used!

I actually laughed when I opened the mailbox.

Mr. Fix-It

Marnie & I hit a tag sale on Friday and since John wasn't with us we were free to buy whatever we wanted! Usually he's the Tag Sale Nazi and I would normally hear at least once "Amy, we don't need that." Ugh! What fun is that?!! So Marnie & both agreed it would be OK to buy Jack something that we found..that we wouldn't get in trouble since it wasn't going to be taking up space in our house/garage/attic or basement!

So check out the cool workbench we scored for Jack!

They say "Safety First" but really...in Marnie's world it's "Milky First, Safety Second"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

John's Email From Germany

I have a head cold and I had bratwurst for lunch.


Special Message

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Remember When's

John left last night for 8 days in Germany for a work trade show. That's a long time. When I went to brush my teeth before bed I found a pile of cards for me in the bathroom that John had left for me. My sweet husband wrote a card for every day he was gone & in each card he wrote a "Remember When?". I used to ask him all the time to tell me a "remember when....." (for example, here's one that he had said in the past: remember when we went to Costa Rica & got pulled over in the rental car because you were hanging out the window videotaping the volcano & the cop wanted to give us a ticket & we begged him not to & we kept saying "stupido americano's! lo siento!").

I'm down 2 cards now...6 to go!

Only You

Monday, October 25, 2010

Newport Weekend

This past weekend John & I ventured to Newport, RI for Chris & Sarah's wedding (John's step brother). We decided to make a whole weekend out of it & Robyn, Kaelyn & Maddie graciously agreed to watch Marnie & the dogs for us at our house. How nice is that? So we left Friday afternoon and got to our apartment that we rented around 6:00pm. We lounged around for a bit & then headed out to dinner. After a relaxing dinner we made it back in time for John to watch some of the Yankee game (booooo). I crawled into bed around 10:00pm. And guess what. My sweet husband slept on the couch so that I could get some quality sleep. He's swell. Not quite the romantic evening I'm sure he had wanted but it allowed me to be well rested for the following day/night. So Saturday morning we went window shopping downtown...John even got his ornament for me for this Christmas (remember we always get/make each other one every year?). We met up with Mom N & Howard along the way & had a nice time strolling along with them through town. Then John & I headed over to the Cliff Walk and took a few pics. We were too lazy to walk very far but we did get a few cute pics. And that's all that counts really...right? Well in my book at least. Saturday evening was the wedding. Both Chris & Sarah looked amazing & just so happy. It was so sweet to see. All in all we had a great time away and came home to a smiling baby who was mauled with kisses & hugs from her aunt & cousins all weekend. What is better than that?
Out for drinks Friday night

'Liquid Sherbert'...mmmmm

John scored my Christmas ornament

Walking around town- photo op!

Scene at the Cliff Walk

I thought this was perfect for a weekend that entailed a wedding

Chris & Sarah walking down the aisle as Mr & Mrs Nelson!
Could they look any happier?

Lily and Howard


Matt & Lucy

Let the dancing begin!

Yes, Paula got her groove on

The other Mr & Mrs Nelson!

Bethe & John

Paula & Michael

This is my favorite pic of the night.
Yes Chris, you look handsome. Own it.

Somehow it's always about John..isn't it? ; )