Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Beyond Spoiled

Last night we had spaghetti for dinner...Tortilla's favorite. So of coures the good Momma that I am I made sure there were leftovers for the pups. Sweet little piggy Mylee was so happy & ate hers right up. And Tortilla? No. Of course not. It has to be W-A-R-M pasta. She refuses to eat cold pasta of any sort. Where did this dog come from??? So...I warmed it up in the microwave for a few seconds & voila! Miss Rainbow gobbled it right up.

'Children' are so demanding...aren't they????

Notice how Mylee's plate is nearly clean? And Tortilla is like just sniffing at the pasta? *rolling my eyes*

In the microwave for puppy it goes!

Mmmmm....much better!

And here is Mylee's plate licked CLEAN!

So clean that I bet you can't tell which plate was Mylee's & which plate I pulled out of the cabinet just for the comparison!

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