Thursday, October 21, 2010

I Just Want Sleeeeep! Is That Too Much To Ask For?

I'm tired. My bags have bags. I have not taken a real nap (I'm talking 2+ hours undisturbed) since before Marnie was born. I know everyone warns new parents about the whole non-sleeping thing but I NEED IT! Those of you who know me best know I love to nap. I love to sleep. I have to be honest...I miss it. Badly. And... I can't blame it all on's partly John's fault too. This doesn't happen nightly but every once in a while John will go through a snoring phase. Guess what. He's in it now. The last 3 nights I've been woken up to this: click here!! (And yes, I crawled out of bed this morning to get my camera so I could tape it. The video will appear black, just have your volume up!!!!)

I just want sleepy!!!!

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