Monday, September 21, 2009

We've Become Boring

We had a boring weekend, if I do say so myself. Friday night we went out to dinner to Ralph n Rich's in Bridgeport. Dinner was "eh". We were referred to it as a mob run kind of Italian restaurant. Uh huh, I could see that.
Saturday we went to some tag sales and dropped Big G & Sue off at the White Plains airport. They were off to find a condo in Palm Beach to buy as a family vacation spot. We put our requests in for a pool to be included!!! Rest of the afternoon we just putted around the house & worked on some projects that we've put off. Sunday was pretty much the same as Saturday, minus tag sales & plus football. Can someone shoot me now & put me out of my misery?

The guy on the left seated us at our table. I think they look like they are right off the Soprano's.

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