Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Listen To This One......

So, here I am, peacefully sleeping...when in the middle of the night I am awoken to my husband kneeling on the bed, picking at the sheets. I said "John, what are you doing?". He says "I'm trying to get all the sharp knives out of the bed". I said "lay down & go to sleep". He says "I can't. I need to get the knives out of the bed." I said "it's okay, I already did". He said "you did?" I said "yes". He lays right down without another word & goes right back to sleep.
Sooooo...this morning I say to him "do you remember what you did last night?" He says..smiling.."I was collecting tools or something". I said "ummmm..noooo. You were trying to get knives out of the bed". He said "ohhhhh yeah! That's right!"
So then he went on to describe how in his lucite stage he was envisioning knives and these tiny little cocktail forks that I got at a tag sale being in the bed.

Lord, help me.

Dinner Out

Now this is my kind of dining...Momma Nelson's home cookin! And one of my favorites, chicken picatta. Yum yum yum. We also celebrated Howards birthday while we were over with some brownies, cupcakes, and cookies. Guess who's the only who ate any dessert......

Happy Birthday!!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ice Out

How fun is this? Outside the little town of Danville, VT sits a cement block on top of a wooden pallet in the middle of Joe's Pond. For many years, people have been placing wagers on when the time and date that the cement block falls through the ice. You can place such a wager here on Scenes of Vermont. You DON'T have to pay anything to enter. Just enter the time, date, your name and e-mail address. The prize is a pair of balloon rides from Balloons over New England.
Go never know!!! Click here for the whole story.

Monday, September 28, 2009

More Ebay

Got these Citizen's for Humanity jeans at the Bridgeport Goodwill for $5.99 two weeks ago. Yup, just sold them on Ebay for $47.00 + s/h. *pat on my own back*

Weekend Guest

This weekend we had a special house guest- Miss Nellie Nelson. All three dogs had a great time & I bet they can't wait til they can do it again!

How thoughtful of Nellie to make a 2+ foot hole for Mylee & Tortilla to hang out in!

This was the sleeping arrangement for the weekend. John slept in the spare room because he's been sick. I managed to squeeze in on the left side of the bed. Aren't slumber parties fun??

They love each other

Notice how Tortilla stays on the bed with me? She wants no part of their BS monkeying around.

Friday, September 25, 2009

This Little Piggy

There is a commercial that I've seen a couple of times & it played last night so I quick paused it just so I could take a pic of part of it. That sweet little pink porker reminds me of a little puppy I know. What do you think? Am I on to something here?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Get Your Butt Down To Carvel

Today only (Thursday 9/24), you can get a FREE Oreo Lil’ Rounder at Carvel from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How To..........

I went to google & typed in "how to"...I didn't get to finish typing in the rest before some suggestions came up. Here is what they were:

How to tie a tie
How to kiss
How to get pregnant
How to lose weight
How to make a website
How to lose weight fast
How to solve a rubix cube
How to write a resume
How to draw
How to get rid of stretch marks

Pretty random, don't you think? And how the heck can you learn to kiss off a webiste? Clich here if you want to find out!

Circa 1984

Me, my cousin Lisa and Robyn. I was 10 & Robyn was 8. How cool are we?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

School- Then & Now

I just found some pics of the girls from 4 years ago. It was Kaelyn's first day of kindergarten. This year Kaelyn is in 4th & Maddie is in 2nd.

Poor Maddie was gonna be all alone while Kaelyn was at school. *so sad*

I'm sorry, but she is so damn cute.

Look at my little fashionesta...even at 5 she knows how to accessorize with a bracelet.

Look at the size of her bookbag!!!! ahahaha

And here's my girls this year on there first day. My how times have changed.

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Babaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...I'm Sick

Lord help me. John has gotten his annual cold..although this time he can't blame it on Kaelyn & Maddie like he usually does. This is normally a 2 day event with a lot of nose blowing, laying on the couch & pure baby like whining. Does anyone want to hang out with me tonight??? : )

Monday, September 21, 2009

Why Baby Why

As many of you know, I've been obsessed with my main man (no! not John) James Taylor for over 15 years. I've been to 7 of his concerts and each one as good as the next. He just put out a covers cd a few months ago & I've been rocking to one of the songs on the cd like no other. I mean belting out the lyrics, hand thumping on the steering wheel & be-bopping my head. I love him. Can't anyone get him to come to meet a little ol lady in Fairfield???? Brad- don't you have any tricks up your sleeve??? Didn't ya ever play with Ben along your music career??? : )
Here is a link if you want to listen to a portion of the song:


We've Become Boring

We had a boring weekend, if I do say so myself. Friday night we went out to dinner to Ralph n Rich's in Bridgeport. Dinner was "eh". We were referred to it as a mob run kind of Italian restaurant. Uh huh, I could see that.
Saturday we went to some tag sales and dropped Big G & Sue off at the White Plains airport. They were off to find a condo in Palm Beach to buy as a family vacation spot. We put our requests in for a pool to be included!!! Rest of the afternoon we just putted around the house & worked on some projects that we've put off. Sunday was pretty much the same as Saturday, minus tag sales & plus football. Can someone shoot me now & put me out of my misery?

The guy on the left seated us at our table. I think they look like they are right off the Soprano's.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Me Mart

To make extra money I take clothing, jewelry, shoes & bags to a local consignment store in Fairfield called Closet Space. I get most of my items from Goodwill or tag sales. My biggest money maker are designer jeans. I can get them at Goodwill anywhere from $2.50 to $10.00 (I rarely spend more than that, unless I find a great pair of 7's or True Religions than I might splurge & put them on Ebay. For instance, today on Ebay I just sold a pair of maternity Citizens for Humanity jeans for $30.00 that I got for $6.00, a pair of True Religion jeans for $19.00- they just sold for $43.50 and the last item I sold was a pair of new shoes from Anthro at Goodwill for $10.00- sold for $34.99). That's an easy $73.49 (minus a couple bucks for Ebay fees). And you know what the best part of listing things on Ebay is? I DO IT WHILE I AM AT WORK!!! ahahaha!!!! I can make a profit on jeans anywhere from $5 to $20 at the consignment store. I just went yesterday & dropped off 26 items- mostly jeans again and recieved a check for other items I had sold. I sold a whopping $443.75 worth of clothing in the last month and a half. That's pretty good, wouldn't you say? I got another check in July for $372.00. Since I love shopping at Goodwill anyway I think this is a great side business for me. It's like killing two birds with one stone! I get to shop AND I get money for doing it!
Who's smarter than me??????

Anybody Hungry For A Johnny Sandwich?

Our little lover

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Talk About Walking On Water

Last week I was driving on the road, down by the stream behind our house. (The pics posted earlier of the dogs are of the same stream). I guess there hadn't been much rain & the water was rather low. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a momma deer and her baby crossing the stream. I had just enough time to pull over & grab my camera & capture the baby still crossing. Doesn't it look like she is walking on the water?

When You've Got Talent You Should Flaunt It

I wanted to share some cool pics my friend Katie took while standing on her front porch during a storm. Although I think she is cookoocrazy to be standing outside while all this was going on I think she got some amazing shots.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Anybody Wanna Go????

On Sunday, October 4, Pet Rescue (our favorite organization!!!) and the New Rochelle Humane Society will jointly host their first annual Hounds on the Sound Dog Walk and Festival at the beautiful Glen Island Park in New Rochelle, NY from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. There will be a leisurely 1.5 mile walk on a course bordering on Long Island Sound as well as vendors, exhibitors, contests, demonstrations, refreshments, entertainment and fun for all. Proceeds from the event will benefit both organizations equally.


Walk with your favorite dog. Register to walk at the Hounds on the Sound website (there is a $20 fee to register). Then you can create your own webpage and email friends, family and coworkers to solicit pledges for your walk. If you raise $100 or more in pledges you will get a free event t-shirt.

Become a Donor. A donation of $100 (FRIEND) will earn you an event t-shirt and special mention on our website. At the $250 level (DONOR) you will also get a 12" x 18" trail marker sign with your name or message which will be posted along the course. The deadline to donate for the trail marker is Friday, Sept. 18th. To make a donation click here, print the form and mail it to us.

Make a Contribution online in the amount of your choice. Click here and type "Cat Napper" in the box.

Forward this message to your dog lover friends and family and encourage them to participate too. Have a fun day in the park and help us to save lots of needy dogs and cats.

If you have any questions, email us at

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ohhhhh My Garsh

Totally forgot to add this video of Bozo the Clown to last weekends post. Enjoy!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another Addict Is Born

Two Saturday's in a row now Paula has trekked to CT from NYC to go to tag sales with me. This time we joined Amy & Dottie (true tag salers)...and Oliver for a dreary Saturday morning of hunting for the perfect items....or more so, junk we don't really need. I think we all did pretty good, especially after the first sale when we had to make a pit stop at my house to unload the entire suv. Now that makes for a great tag sale day.

The new addict

See, Ollie knows how to roll with us ladies

See those smiling faces??? You know what that means? A successful tag sale day!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Random Pics From The Weekend

Love this pic

We took the girls to the boccee ball courts for an hour worth of free fun.

This year for Maddies birthday John got her a Webkin, a tie dye set and a nail polish set. I got up from a nap & found my sweet little husband painting Mad's toes. *heart melting*
Sunday was Kaelyn's first cheerleading game- Pine Bush vs. Goshen. The whole family went to watch- even Tortilla & Mylee! How cute is she in her uniform?

Maddie wanted us to have a mini carnival in the backyard.
This is my family........

Wake Up Tactics by John & Mylee

Mmmmmm....peanut butter.

Finally....Beach Pics of My Girls

I've wanted to take pics of the girls on the beach in white dresses for years now. It was perfect weather to get the job done this past weekend! How cute are they?