Friday, July 24, 2009

On My Way Home From Work....

I have to pass Anthropologie..every day. Do you know how hard it is to just keep my eyes on the road, look straight ahead and not even glance in the direction of the store? Yesterday my body told me "Go in! They might have amazing sales. You can always just 'look'!", I had to listen to my inner being, right? I totally splurged on the Hydrangea Weekender Bag for $50 (which is a big deal for me since I usually have a $40 cap on clothes, jewelry, shoes & bags...ahahaha). Anyway, it's perfect timing since we're going away this weekend! The bag isn't on Anthro's website anymore but I got a pic from somebody who is selling it on Ebay (for $74.99- puh-leese). I also got a pair of earrings for $20. Gosh I love that store. If I won the lottery that would be the first place I'd run to on a shopping spree.


Johnny said...

50 bucks for that bag. I would have been ok with you spending $250 on the beauty!!!

AG said...

Ahahaha...I love you Baba