Monday, July 20, 2009

Another Weekend Gone

Could the weather this weekend have been any more perfect?? John took advantage of it by golfing both Friday & Saturday- who's got it better than him? Bobby was in town and ended up staying with us which was super nice. Who would have known that little sh*t was good company?? Saturday John & I got up early to make a trip to the dump & we came back with 2 girls bikes (one worth over $100 if we wanted to sell it), a scooter & a brand new wind chime that still had the tags on it- which are selling on Ebay right now for $45 We've been told we're crazy/cheap that we cancelled our garbage pickup & waste our time going to the dump. Well here is how it works out: we pay $4.50 about every two-three weeks to go to the dump which is only a 5 minute ride. We were paying $30 a month for garbage pickup. Since we've been going to the dump we've walked away with so many things that people just toss to the side thinking its garbage. We've gotten a pool ladder, an outdoor bench, a tall painters lamp, outdoor lanterns (which you might remember I sold on Craigslist for $50), a metal garbage can (exactly what we wanted for our recylables & were planning on buying a new one), and now the bikes, scooter & windchimes. So if we went to the dump twice a month for the year it would cost us $108. If we paid for garbage pickup it would cost us $360. So there alone we are saving $252 a year- plus we get free stuff while we are there & make money on stuff we sell! How can you beat that? I'd really like to park my car at the dump for just one whole day to see what I would walk away you think they would let me?

Anywho, so after the dump we hit some tag sales & walked away spending less than $20 on stuff. I had John for an hour before he was off to play a round of golf with Bobby & Big G. Late afternoon Mom & Dad came down to go out to dinner with us & to see a comedy show. It was a really nice night & the comedians were hilarious. Mom said she went home with a sore throat from laughing so hard- and fyi- I did hear a snort out of her a couple of times during the show! lol

Sunday was spent watching the Tour de France & lounging by the pool. I did a crappy job at taking pics this weekend...I just think I was too relaxed to even think about capturing the moments.

Can you say FREE!!!!!!!!!

Can you say FREEEEEEEE???!!!!!!

Comedian Johnny Rizzo

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