Monday, July 13, 2009

Gimme Some Hot Cross Buns Weekend

Friday I took 1/2 day at work to spend with Robyn & the girls. I got home to find John & Dave sprawled out on the living room chairs watching tv after they played a round of golf and the girls lounging in the backyard. A relaxing summer day- perfect! Friday night we went to Westport's Italian Festival for some rides, games & pizza fritta!
Saturday John & Big G went golfing and us girls went to some tag sales...we did it right & were out from 8:30am to 2:00pm. John would have been done by 10:00am the latest. Later that night we celebrated John & Kaelyn's birthdays together- we got yummy cupcakes from Crumbs & divided them into 6 so we could all try them. My favorite was the Velvet Cake..mmmm. John and the girls then entertained us with a rock remix of "Hot Cross Buns". Watch the video below!
Sunday John was on his third day of golf- this time with Brian. Robyn, Kaelyn, Maddie & I went to a flea market in Fairfield then hung out by the pool all afternoon. Around 4:30 our neighbor Sara came over to babysit the girls while Robyn, Brian, John, and I went up to Mohegan for dinner, gambling & a Montgomery Gentry concert. Now, after hearing all that we did...can you believe that I didn't even take one nap all weekend??

Dave's cannonball!

Rainbow wanted to see the action.

Every year John gets the girls a birthday gift just from him. This year he got Kaelyn rollerblades. What a fun uncle!

Killing time in Westport before the carnival started

Pizza Fritta at the Italian Festival

The Scrambler
Maddie after The Scrambler

These are the two dare devils

This is more Mad's speed!

No, I am not drunk

Happy Birthday!!!
Flea Market Finds

Concert time

Gimme Some Hot Cross Buns Music Video:

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