Friday, July 31, 2009

Ice Cream Trip! Brian, Eat Your Heart Out!

Johnny had a craving so the family piled into the car for an ice cream run. Puppies love going- they get their own special doggie cups. They are cute, cute & more cute.

Yes, that is John in line

Baby had to have his rainbow sprinkles : )

How freakin cute are these??

Puppy #1- Brain freeze from eating so fast

Puppy #2- Takes her time & savors it

Pants Update

You know what this is? It's my $19.50 reimbursement check from my job for the cost of having my stained oil & vinegar pants dry cleaned & the cost of gas for driving home to change. Ha!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's A Sad Day At 79 Henry

On the edge of our front yard we have a massive tree that has housed a family of squirrels. I never knew squirrels liked fruit until this past Halloween they kept chewing on our carved pumkins that we had on the front porch & stealing the tops of the small carved pumpkins. So at the base of their tree I started putting out peanuts, apples, pears & peeled banana's whenever I had some extra's. They love them! Well I guess with the horrible storms & wind we've had over the past week their little house has fallen out of the tree and smashed all over the road. I pulled up & gasped when I realized the pile of twigs & leaves was their home. That's so sad...don't you think? I hope they decide to rebuild in the same spot. I miss my friends already.

Notice the little pumpkins on the top left with the missing tops. Those little whipper snappers stole them!!

Broken Home

See, they like their apples

Who Wants To Shop??

Here’s a 30% coupon that is good at GAP, Old Navy, and Banana Republic stores and factory outlets 7/30-8/2. Use it as many times as you like!
Plus 5% of your purchase will go to benefit a worthy cause, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Hello! What are you waiting for??? Johnny- be ready to go shoppin after tag saling!

This One's For John

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lunch Hour

Flying Puppy

One of Tortilla's favorite games is to catch the ball off the roof in the front yard. Mylee kind of stands around & watches & maybe jumps up when she sees Tortilla jumping to get the ball. But most of the time she just stands around like "dur dur dur"...ahahahaha. Here's some pics of the puppies in action.

On a side note, I'd like to say I need/want a new digital camera. These pics do not do the aerobatics of Miss Rainbow any justice. I'm now officially putting a new camera on my Christmas List.


She got it!

Notice how Mylee could care less?? And look at that cute little fat belly on Tortilla. Eeeheehee


Look at the air that puppy got!

Neither of them caught the balls
Happy Puppies!

Somebody's Pooped

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sounds Of A Summer Storm

John & I sat on the front porch in the middle of one of those crazy storms we had this past week. This is what I captured-there is nothing to look at so make sure your volume is on so you can hear the rain & the wind blowing my FREE windchimes.

Damn...Did I Forget To Feed Her???

How Do You Eat Cherries?

I've been told I eat cherries weird. Is there really a 'normal' or 'right' way to eat a cherry? Here's how I eat mine....

Start by picking a firm, darker colored cherry

Bite off half of the cherry, leaving the pit in the remaining half

Bite out the pit & spit it out, then eat the remaining pitless half


Monday, July 27, 2009

It's Monday! Remember.......

And Away We Go!

My cousin Doug came down to watch the dogs this weekend so we were able to sneak off to Block Island, RI we went! We took off Saturday morning at 6:00am & got there in less than 3 hours which included catching a ferry over to the island. It was very cute & had the feel of Port Jeff (but had the beautiful beaches!). We rented bikes & took a short 2 mile ride up to the lighthouse- it was so foggy we couldn't see anything so our venture up to the lookout point was kind of useless. But, we did get some much needed exercise in so I guess that was a good thing! We laid on the beach for a few hours then had a quick bite to eat & then walked around town before taking the ferry back. We ended up staying in a little B&B that was run/owned by a crazy woman who I believe is a neat hoarder. Her house was insane- every nook & cranny was jam packed with anything from homemade pot holders to fake fur cats to old postcards to antique typewriters on the front porch. John said her house reminded him of my moms house because of the decorations..I agreed but said it was Moms house on crack. Anyways, for dinner we headed up to the Nordic Lodge- an all you can eat seafood restaurant that John had been wanting to go to for years. We pigged out...but not sure I got my moneys worth ($80 per person). It's one of those places you can go to once in your life & be happy saying "I've been there" and not need to ever go again. Sunday morning we got up pretty early & because it was raining we skipped going to one of the RI beaches & headed to Foxwoods for some morning gambling. We spent a good hour just playing Keno- we didn't win anything. Poo Poo. So we just ended up driving home...but on the way we decided to stop in New Haven for some Mexican food. We've driven by these little Mexican trucks on the highway across from Ikea many times & have said we wanted to stop & get some authentic Mexican food. So we had the time, so we did! And Momma Mia, it was goooood. We each had a pork & a beef taco- $1.00 each!!! Let me tell you- that is the place to go! After we got home we just laid around & played a game of Rumikube on the back patio. Big G & Sue stopped over for a little bit so he could regrip some golf handles. Another nice weekend on the books!

Sand Dune on Block Island

Bike Rentals

I'm Off!

This is what the Lighthouse is supposed to look like:

And this is what we saw through the fog:

This is me after the bike ride up to the Lighthouse

Town View

On the beach

This pic is for Mom

View of the harbor where the boats/ferries come in

Our room at the crazy lady's house (Oh my, what a beautiful weekend bag that is!!!)
Front porch of the Morgan Inn
John at the "No dic Lodge"


More Mmmmm

Keno at Foxwoods!

Bloody Mary's at 11:00 am- gotta love it

How can you not stop here????

Heaven (minus the cilantro)