Monday, May 18, 2009

Mother's Day Part II- 5/16/09

Bobby was in town so we celebrated Mother's Day again! Bobby, John, Howard, and Mom N all went golfing in the morning..then we all met over at their house to help put up a fence (I did the hard work of holding the branches out of Howards face so he could use the screwdriver and I was also in charge of bringing cold frosty beverages to the crew- whew, I was tired!). After that we went to Jennings Beach in Fairfield to go to a small carnival. Jack hated did ok on the train ride but cried the whole time he was on the Merry Go Round. Then we went back to the Nelson household for some pasta dinner & a little Rock Band. Fun Fun!

Oh think I wouldn't put this on the blog??

Pennings Beach Carnival

This may be some of the funniest video ever.....

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