Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 2009

Holy Moly, talk about a nice long weekend....Thursday night I picked Kaelyn & Maddie up so they could spend the weekend with John & I. We went to the Rolnick Observatory in Westport http://www.was-ct.org/and had a really good time! The girls loved it and both asked questions about the moon & the planets and really listened to the answers!! It was a clear night so with the naked eye we could see the North Star & the Big and Little Dippers and a satellite. Through the telescope we saw a galaxy & Saturn...neat neat neat. Friday us girls were on our own so we did some much needed shopping (had to get the girls their annual bathing suits!) then we headed to the beach. Guess who's the only one who got burned....mmmhmmm...Saturday all four of us did errands & went to a tag sale then hung out in the backyard most of the afternoon- the girls helped plants some flowers & weed the front yard. Later on we all went bowling (forgot my stupid camera), then for pizza and then went to a local coffee shop for hot chocolate. Sunday was another great day to be outside- Mom & Dad came down to bbq with us & we celebrated Dad's birthday. Then on Monday John & I went and played tennis in the morning (once again, forgetting the parade) then relaxed the whole rest of the day outside. Our pool is open but freezzzzzing. All in all, it was one of the best weekends I can remember in a long time!

Rolnick Observatory

Jennings Beach, Fairfield

Planting flowers
Tortilla assuming her sleeping position- she sleeps with the girls every time they sleep over

Dad's Birthday- love the new hat! LOL
What kind of birthday would it be without some Coke?

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