Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Baby Bird Update

So Monday afternoon John & I were sitting on the back patio eating lunch & just watching our birdie friends. There was only one baby bird left in the bird house & she was itching to get the hell out of there. She kept poking her little head out further & further, chirping away. Then she started poking her head out & putting her two feet on the bottom rim of the hole. Then she'd go back in the house...then inch out again with her feet on the hole. There was another bird sitting on the perch above her, I think thing she did was flutter in front of the baby as to say "Come on! You can do it! You can do it!". John says to me "can you imagine if we witnessed her first flight?"...and I swear to God, not even a minute later that little whipper snapper took off! Right in front of our own eyes!!!! We could not believe what we had just witnessed. A little baby miracle.

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