Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Weekend Project

This weekend John took on the task of removing a 10ft old chimney that was somehow enclosed in part of the spare bedroom's closet wall & into the attic. He crawled thru a small hole in the closet's ceiling to get up in the attic and chipped away at the chimney, brick by brick, handing down each brick to me thru the AC vent. Then after they were all piled in the room he chucked them out the window onto the front lawn. Ok, so what to do with the bricks once they were outside? We called Junkluggers & they estimated it would cost about $150-$200 to have them removed. Wha??? Huh? NO, frugal Amy ain't paying that. So, I listed "FREE BRICKS- CURB ALERT" on Craigslist & guess what? Those suckers are all gone......Cost to Amy & John: $0.00. Taadaaaa! *taking a bow*

John up in the attic

Brick being passed down through the AC vent

John coming down out of the attic- LOL

These are just the bricks from the attic- there was still more to remove from the wall in the closet

Tackling the wall next

Pretty White Trash looking, huh?

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