Monday, February 1, 2010

Last Supper

Friday night we had our "Last Supper" with Katie & Paul. They were hopping a plane back to the UK for good the following day so we decided to go to Arthur Ave for our last time together. John & I spotted a White Castle on the way & with our eyes bulging out of our heads, yelled at the same time "White Castle!!!!". Vrrrrrrr....detour! Katie admitted to never having had a White Castle burger so how could we let her leave the U.S. without trying one???? So we opted for a burger each...what we like to call our "Amuse Bouche". Nice night, good food, great friends.....we are going to miss those damn Ennnnnnglanders.

This one is for just us insiders: Cha Cha Cha Chia!

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