Monday, February 22, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pet Rescue

My favorite non-profit organization Pet Rescue made another trip to rescue dogs & puppies from an overcrowded non-kill animal shelter located in WV. Watch the news video to see where these poor pups are coming from.
Check out Princess- one of the dogs saved! She is cute cute cute.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More Snow

Woke up to a pretty winterland!

Valentine's Day

I decided to go all out for Valentine's Day this year with a special surprise breakfast for John. I made EVERYTHING either pink or red! ahahhaha

Heart Shaped Pancakes with whip cream, syrup & raspberries
Ruby red grapefruit

After breakfast we went for massages & then came home and took the dogs for a walk. Then we all took a nap together (love that)...for our special dinner together....we opted for hot oil pizza's at Colony! We had a really, really nice day.

He Happy you love it????

And here's the homemade cards we made for each other this year.
I made a pop up one....

And here's John's- on the envelope for the card he wrote "this is not your card"...and when I took the piece of paper out of the envelope it says on it "this is" with an arrow pointing to the tiny little card & envelope...and he actually wrote a little Valentine's Day note on it. How cute.

Weekend Project

This weekend John took on the task of removing a 10ft old chimney that was somehow enclosed in part of the spare bedroom's closet wall & into the attic. He crawled thru a small hole in the closet's ceiling to get up in the attic and chipped away at the chimney, brick by brick, handing down each brick to me thru the AC vent. Then after they were all piled in the room he chucked them out the window onto the front lawn. Ok, so what to do with the bricks once they were outside? We called Junkluggers & they estimated it would cost about $150-$200 to have them removed. Wha??? Huh? NO, frugal Amy ain't paying that. So, I listed "FREE BRICKS- CURB ALERT" on Craigslist & guess what? Those suckers are all gone......Cost to Amy & John: $0.00. Taadaaaa! *taking a bow*

John up in the attic

Brick being passed down through the AC vent

John coming down out of the attic- LOL

These are just the bricks from the attic- there was still more to remove from the wall in the closet

Tackling the wall next

Pretty White Trash looking, huh?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day!!!!!

The Guadagno Family sure did enjoy their snow day together! Look how much fun we had!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010


John & I have been drooling over these damn peanut butter cookies that I bought for the dogs. Trader Joe's makes these doggie cookies that look & smell like real human cookies. Finally yesterday while at Trader Joe's I found ones that I thought were similiar to the dog ones. So last night John & I did a taste comparison....the doggie ones are pretty good! No wonder why Tortilla & Mylee love them.

Can you tell which is the doggie one?

(psst....the one on the left!)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Listen To This

Say hello to my new baby. Baby boy Louie. I've wanted the Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 for at least 2 years now...but I am way too cheap to buy a brand new one for $690.00 plus tax. Every year at work I get a Christmas bonus & a year end bonus...and every year I say I'm going to get my LV bag. And of course, I haven't. So this year, I got my usual $250 Christmas bonus and then Robyn had also sold a fur coat that had been given to me from a friend when I moved to CT (over 8 years ago) for $150. So I told myself I would only use that money to buy a bag and not dip into my year end bonus money. So I had $400 to work with. I tried bidding on a few on Ebay but always got outbid. So the weirdest thing happened 2 weeks old boss came in to visit & we got to talking about her living part time in the South & how she is close to some of the best outlet stores and so I asked her if there was a Louis Vuitton outlet. She said "no, I wish..I've got my eye on a new one". I said "I know- I'm dying for a Speedy 30". She said "no way! I was going to sell mine on Ebay next week!" see where this is going...right? She sold me her Speedy for $450 & this sucker looks brand new. And the great thing is, I KNOW it's authentic & it comes with the lock, keys, dust bag & shopping bag. Great for resale purposes if I ever decide or need to sell it. So, basically, I PAID $50 for my Louis Vuitton bag because the $400 I had to work with was all extra free money given to me. Heeheeheeheeeeeee!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Visit With The Walsh Clan

Sunday we met up with our friends Dave & Amanda and headed to the Walsh's to see everybody. Let's just say Caitlin & Dan have their hands full! I went over with intentions of taking some nice pics...FYI- sleeping babies take better pics.

This is what we walked into:

Amanda brought over little ceramic ornaments & a platter from Hands on Pottery to get the babies footprints on. How cute is that?

John getting in his practice at putting a baby to sleep

Awe! Good job John! Nighty Night Teddy

Family Dinner

Saturday afternoon we headed over to the Nelson's Abode for a nice family dinner. Bethe, Matt, Lucy, Lily, Chris, Sarah, and Paula all came into town so it was great to see everyone. I think Momma Nelson was in her glory with all 4 of her grandbabies there at once!

AP & Claire

Lucy, Lily & Jack

Howard & Lily

Lucy playing with my come she can't be my kid????

Crazy hair lady

At one point there were 11 of us in this

Last Supper

Friday night we had our "Last Supper" with Katie & Paul. They were hopping a plane back to the UK for good the following day so we decided to go to Arthur Ave for our last time together. John & I spotted a White Castle on the way & with our eyes bulging out of our heads, yelled at the same time "White Castle!!!!". Vrrrrrrr....detour! Katie admitted to never having had a White Castle burger so how could we let her leave the U.S. without trying one???? So we opted for a burger each...what we like to call our "Amuse Bouche". Nice night, good food, great friends.....we are going to miss those damn Ennnnnnglanders.

This one is for just us insiders: Cha Cha Cha Chia!