Monday, June 8, 2009

Cape May, NJ Weekend

So June 7th was our 6 year wedding anniversary- yes, 6- so went away to Cape May, NJ for the weekend. We had an awesome time and thankfully the weather turned around for us. Our 3.5 hour trip turned into a 5 hour trip with rain & traffice but once we got there it was smooth sailing. We stayed at The Mooring B&B and would highly recommend it to anyone thinking of going to Cape May- . The owners were great and the location was prime! We were only a block from the beach & the main strip. Because of the rain on Friday night we went out for a quick burger & then went to see Hangover at the local movie theater. The movie was great, perfect for a date night full of laughs but the theater itself was dingy & smelled of mildew. Thus, the pic below. Saturday we walked around town, played at the Arcade to kill some time then hit the beach. I'm fried...but not all over so that it may have the possibility of turning into a nice golden tan...oh no...I have a nice V mark on my chest from my bathing suit & the front of my calves are a lovely bright red. Regardless, it was perfect beach weather & I'll take whatever color I got. Sunday we got up early, had an amazing breakfast and then left for Great Adventure. John has been dying to go for several years now and only being a little over an hour away from it we HAD to stop on the way back home. This guy was like a kid in a candy store...he was so excited to go on the Kingda Ka (Kingda Ka was officially announced in 2004 was revealed that the ride would become "the tallest and fastest roller coaster on earth", reaching 456 ft high and accelerating up to 128 miles per hour in 3.5 seconds). That is not my cup of tea so John rode front row without me. We made the rounds to all the other big rides & left around 3:00pm feeling sick & hot. We arrived home around 5:00pm to two cute furry creatures wagging their tails.

Our ride to Cape May- does this remind you of a certain day..say ohhhh...6 years ago????

The Mooring Bed & Breakfast

Inside the movie theater

Killing time at the Arcade

Cape May Beach

Beach at Night
A little Put Put
And the BIG finale to our weekend.....
Here's the happy camper who could not wait to get on the Kingda Ka (tall ride to the left of photo).
First row baby!!!!!

See John in the front with his hands up?!!! lol
Baby Johnny after getting off the ride

Here's a video of the Kingda Ka:

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