Monday, April 27, 2009

Guadagno & Yearwood Weekend

This weekend Robyn & Brian came down to sell some stuff at our annual tag sale & to partake in some golfing! John & I sold about $211 and Robyn & Brian sold about $131- not bad I think for sitting outside for a few hours & getting some sun (btw-also got my annual first burn of the season!) After the tag sale we quick got dressed for our tee time (let me side step here...Robyn & I both wanted sun visors to complete our "golf" outfits but John said we couldn't get them. He said he would buy me a whole proper golf outfit IF I went 3 times & decided I wanted to go again. Needless to say, I hated my golf outfit & I do believe it put me in a golf funk). Anyways, the Guadagno's kicked the Yearwood's asses...scores were as follows: J 36, B 37, A 64, R 66.

1 comment:

RY said...

I don't think a 3 stroke win counts as an "ass kicking"! The Yearwoods officially challange the Guadagno's to a rematch!!!! And Aim... do something about the outfit... will ya!?!?!