Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Everybody Else Does It....

So why can't I? I've decided to start a blog to keep family & friends up to date on what's going on in the Guadagno household. How fun to see what we are up to! lol I'm guessing the only 2 people who will consistantly check on the blog is: #1 Amy C- since I'm the coolest person she knows & she's gonna want to know evvvverything that happens in my day, hour by hour, minute by minute and #2 Robyn...because I'm going to bug the crap out of her by saying "did you read my blog today???". Well, whatever...at least it's something to do, right?
So up first are pics from last Thursday when John & I, Katie & Paul, and Colleen & Shawn hit OBar for Flirtini's & beers..then Archie's for wings & nachos...then the freakin college hangout Skybox for darts & pool (guess who picked that place). Ended up being a random night but fun nonetheless and us "Old Farts" were proud of ourselves for being out late on a work night. Yeah to us!

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