Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Mullet House

So I've been thinking lately that our house reminds me of a mullet, how it is so different when looked at from two different sides (see pic below if you don't know what that is). You know, business in front-party in back. Well the front of our house looks cute cute cute, all the flowers & trees are in bloom....the backyard on the other hand is total white trash. We've been working really hard at trying to grow grass over the many pee stains from the dogs & make our small V-shaped yard look bigger. It's obviously a work in progress as you can see.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WWE Monday Night RAW in Connecticut!!!!!

That's right people- we were there!!!!!!!! John & I and the whole Yearwood/Schloicka Clan came up from 'The Burg' to see the show. It was my first wrestling experience and definetly my last. The wrestling itself was bad, I mean faaaaaaaAke BUT the crowd & antics were very entertaining to say the least. You should have seen the people lined up outside to get in- there were more people at this venue then there was for the Fleetwood Mac & James Taylor concerts we went to see. What is wrong with people???? Needless to say, we all had a fun time & I enjoyed seeing The Miz (from The Real World!) and I really think BY & Jenna had the times of their lives! They even got to see their fav- John what else can you ask for?

Sponsor a Dog- Save a Life!

Pet Rescue is going to West Virginia this weekend to rescue 20-25 dogs that may otherwise be euthanized. Maybe you want to sponsor a dog for $35 in honor of someone for Mother's Day!!! What a great gift idea!! Here is the link if you are interested:

And incase you hadn't seen it is what Mylee looked like when Pet Rescue found her starving on the streets with her 3 puppies.
And now, with her BFF Tortilla.

I love, love, love this organization.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Guadagno & Yearwood Weekend

This weekend Robyn & Brian came down to sell some stuff at our annual tag sale & to partake in some golfing! John & I sold about $211 and Robyn & Brian sold about $131- not bad I think for sitting outside for a few hours & getting some sun (btw-also got my annual first burn of the season!) After the tag sale we quick got dressed for our tee time (let me side step here...Robyn & I both wanted sun visors to complete our "golf" outfits but John said we couldn't get them. He said he would buy me a whole proper golf outfit IF I went 3 times & decided I wanted to go again. Needless to say, I hated my golf outfit & I do believe it put me in a golf funk). Anyways, the Guadagno's kicked the Yearwood's asses...scores were as follows: J 36, B 37, A 64, R 66.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Buffalo Wings or Bingo Wings...Which do you prefer?

Apparently in the UK they call the flab on the underside of old ladies biceps "Bingo Wings"......omg, do you love it??????

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Everybody Else Does It....

So why can't I? I've decided to start a blog to keep family & friends up to date on what's going on in the Guadagno household. How fun to see what we are up to! lol I'm guessing the only 2 people who will consistantly check on the blog is: #1 Amy C- since I'm the coolest person she knows & she's gonna want to know evvvverything that happens in my day, hour by hour, minute by minute and #2 Robyn...because I'm going to bug the crap out of her by saying "did you read my blog today???". Well, least it's something to do, right?
So up first are pics from last Thursday when John & I, Katie & Paul, and Colleen & Shawn hit OBar for Flirtini's & beers..then Archie's for wings & nachos...then the freakin college hangout Skybox for darts & pool (guess who picked that place). Ended up being a random night but fun nonetheless and us "Old Farts" were proud of ourselves for being out late on a work night. Yeah to us!