Wednesday, October 27, 2010

John's Email From Germany

I have a head cold and I had bratwurst for lunch.


Special Message

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Remember When's

John left last night for 8 days in Germany for a work trade show. That's a long time. When I went to brush my teeth before bed I found a pile of cards for me in the bathroom that John had left for me. My sweet husband wrote a card for every day he was gone & in each card he wrote a "Remember When?". I used to ask him all the time to tell me a "remember when....." (for example, here's one that he had said in the past: remember when we went to Costa Rica & got pulled over in the rental car because you were hanging out the window videotaping the volcano & the cop wanted to give us a ticket & we begged him not to & we kept saying "stupido americano's! lo siento!").

I'm down 2 cards now...6 to go!

Only You

Monday, October 25, 2010

Newport Weekend

This past weekend John & I ventured to Newport, RI for Chris & Sarah's wedding (John's step brother). We decided to make a whole weekend out of it & Robyn, Kaelyn & Maddie graciously agreed to watch Marnie & the dogs for us at our house. How nice is that? So we left Friday afternoon and got to our apartment that we rented around 6:00pm. We lounged around for a bit & then headed out to dinner. After a relaxing dinner we made it back in time for John to watch some of the Yankee game (booooo). I crawled into bed around 10:00pm. And guess what. My sweet husband slept on the couch so that I could get some quality sleep. He's swell. Not quite the romantic evening I'm sure he had wanted but it allowed me to be well rested for the following day/night. So Saturday morning we went window shopping downtown...John even got his ornament for me for this Christmas (remember we always get/make each other one every year?). We met up with Mom N & Howard along the way & had a nice time strolling along with them through town. Then John & I headed over to the Cliff Walk and took a few pics. We were too lazy to walk very far but we did get a few cute pics. And that's all that counts really...right? Well in my book at least. Saturday evening was the wedding. Both Chris & Sarah looked amazing & just so happy. It was so sweet to see. All in all we had a great time away and came home to a smiling baby who was mauled with kisses & hugs from her aunt & cousins all weekend. What is better than that?
Out for drinks Friday night

'Liquid Sherbert'...mmmmm

John scored my Christmas ornament

Walking around town- photo op!

Scene at the Cliff Walk

I thought this was perfect for a weekend that entailed a wedding

Chris & Sarah walking down the aisle as Mr & Mrs Nelson!
Could they look any happier?

Lily and Howard


Matt & Lucy

Let the dancing begin!

Yes, Paula got her groove on

The other Mr & Mrs Nelson!

Bethe & John

Paula & Michael

This is my favorite pic of the night.
Yes Chris, you look handsome. Own it.

Somehow it's always about John..isn't it? ; )

I Love My Neighbors

We live in an awesome neighborhood that is filled with tons of kids & dogs. The one down fall to living in our neighborhood though is that there are some people who walk their dogs from other neighborhoods because our road circles around & is pretty private with not a lot of traffic. With that comes people who think it's 'okay' to let their dogs pee & poo on your's a big pet peeve of mine (especially if they don't pick up the poop)...looks like one of my neighbors got fed up too!

I love it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I Just Want Sleeeeep! Is That Too Much To Ask For?

I'm tired. My bags have bags. I have not taken a real nap (I'm talking 2+ hours undisturbed) since before Marnie was born. I know everyone warns new parents about the whole non-sleeping thing but I NEED IT! Those of you who know me best know I love to nap. I love to sleep. I have to be honest...I miss it. Badly. And... I can't blame it all on's partly John's fault too. This doesn't happen nightly but every once in a while John will go through a snoring phase. Guess what. He's in it now. The last 3 nights I've been woken up to this: click here!! (And yes, I crawled out of bed this morning to get my camera so I could tape it. The video will appear black, just have your volume up!!!!)

I just want sleepy!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Jones Farm

Sunday we headed over to Jones Farm for some pumpkin picking & picture taking with the Guadagno side of the family. Ok, the truth is, we didn't buy any pumpkins...but we did take some pics though!

Here's the whole clan:
Big G, Marnie, Aunt Paula, Tracey, Jack, Tom, Claire, me, John, Howard & Mom N

