Monday, September 13, 2010

Warwick Weekend

This weekend we all headed up to Warwick to watch the girls play in their first soccer games & to celebrate Mom & Maddie's birthdays. The weather was absolutely perfect- what a great day to all be together.

Waiting for Maddie's game to start

Maddie got to be goalie first since it was her birthday

Then she was put into defense- she did AWESOME.
This is her coach- Coach John (aka Brett Farve)

Then we were off to watch Kaelyn's game. She played defense too & was great!

Nighty Night little girl

After the games John, Marnie & I stopped over at Jim & Jeanette's to say hello. What a nice surprise to find Kat & Ava there too!

Then off to Mom & Dad's to hang out. Alice, Fred & BY (Brian's parents & son) and Lorraine came down too. We did some target practice, played soccer, lawn golf & played some big frisbee game. It was just a great day.
This kid was passed around at least 5 times...everyone wanted their turn!
Marnie & Grandpa

Marnie & Alice

Marnie & Lorraine

Finally we had all had our turns & our arms were killing us (she is 16 pounds ya know!). Off to sleep in the shade. Aaaahhhhh....

Birthday girl Maddie opening her gifts

Spoiled rotten I tell ya

Happy Birthday Mad!

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