Monday, September 27, 2010

Borders & Claire

Friday night John & I went out to dinner and then went to Borders to pick up some books. As we were coming down the stairs he noticed a pic of a portrait of a little boy we know on the wall (Tracey's friend Ali's son)...he was like "hey! look! There's Tracey's friends son!"...and then I said...laughing..."hey! look! There's your neice, right under him!". And you know what he said? He said "Who?"....*rolling my eyes*..."You know, you're neice Claire"...."Oh...that's her?"
This just proves the age old question: "What would men do without us?"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How Neat

Have you ever seen a flower as neat as these??? They are like huge bright purple cones!

It's Good To Be Home sure was nice to be back at my old stomping ground. With the big tag sale that I had I could afford to actually step into Anthropologie & browse for some new threads. I didn't dare go in there these last few months knowing I was broke. Can I just say.... It. Was. Heaven. And they had great sales...hooray!

Excuse you see what I see! $9.95 for a pair of pants! Yes please.

So I walked out of there only getting the pants & this top- not a bad start I think.
Total: $30. Me likey!
Ta Daaaaaa! Feeling like my old self!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Guadagno's

Is my family cute or what?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Claire's Baby Blessing

Sunday was Claire's special baby blessing. Here's a few pics of her in her outfit. Too cute, huh?

Is This Normal?

I tried to get out of my car to catch this little fox. I felt bad for him!!!! He was all dirty & skinny....poor little baby. Bet he would have loved some of Tortilla & Mylee's wet dog food. Right??

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hi My My


Just found these pics from when we were still in the hospital with Marnie. Poor Aferdita & I were witness to this.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine

I walked outside this morning to this amazing stream of sunlight coming through the trees on Henry Street. Is that a great way to start your day or what?

Cookoo Cookoo

Some crazy Ebayer just paid $108.55 for this skirt of mine.
Hoooooooooray for me!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Warwick Weekend

This weekend we all headed up to Warwick to watch the girls play in their first soccer games & to celebrate Mom & Maddie's birthdays. The weather was absolutely perfect- what a great day to all be together.

Waiting for Maddie's game to start

Maddie got to be goalie first since it was her birthday

Then she was put into defense- she did AWESOME.
This is her coach- Coach John (aka Brett Farve)

Then we were off to watch Kaelyn's game. She played defense too & was great!

Nighty Night little girl

After the games John, Marnie & I stopped over at Jim & Jeanette's to say hello. What a nice surprise to find Kat & Ava there too!

Then off to Mom & Dad's to hang out. Alice, Fred & BY (Brian's parents & son) and Lorraine came down too. We did some target practice, played soccer, lawn golf & played some big frisbee game. It was just a great day.
This kid was passed around at least 5 times...everyone wanted their turn!
Marnie & Grandpa

Marnie & Alice

Marnie & Lorraine

Finally we had all had our turns & our arms were killing us (she is 16 pounds ya know!). Off to sleep in the shade. Aaaahhhhh....

Birthday girl Maddie opening her gifts

Spoiled rotten I tell ya

Happy Birthday Mad!