Monday, August 16, 2010

Coupon Queen Comes To Town

Saturday afternoon Mom came down & so of course we hit Goodwill. Sunday morning we got up early to bring stuff over to the local flea market. I sold what was left of the tag sale items from last week, Mom sold groceries that she had been buying to resell. You all know how she is the "Coupon Queen" she was busy going triple couponing & "getting her thrill" & stocking up on free items to resell. She made $460 on GROCERIES at the flea market!!! Is that unreal or what? And so guess what? She's coming back for the next two sales too. You go Crazy Lorraine!

Mom in action. This is the small pile of groceries in boxes that was left around 12:30pm. I totally forgot to take before/after pics.

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