Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sunday With The Nelson's

Sunday afternoon we went to open houses with Mom N & Howard. John & I like to do this every once in a while just so we can see what is out in the market & to also get decorating/landscaping ideas. So the last house we went into was a $1.8 million dollar home. It was just too small for our liking, so we decided not to buy it. *rolling my eyes* We also hit a farm stand...this one had a chic working at it- no honor system deal at this one. We had a really, really nice afternoon...maybe we'll do it again.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Back Home

Marnie & I headed back home Monday morning for a last hoorah before I go back to work next week. Kaelyn & Maddie spent the two days with us while we were there...we even got breakfast made for us by Kaelyn! It was a nice & relaxing time- just what we needed!

This is Mom & Dad's 'backyard'...if you look closely you can see the Momma deer with her two babies

Maddie LOVES to help Mom with her meds- she divides them up for the week for her

Pussycat's famous french toast.

We needed a nap after breakfast

Fuzz Heads

Check this out....a vegetable stand that runs on the honor system. You think you'd find that around here?

She's 1!!!!!

Last Sunday was Claire's first birthday! Tracey & Tom had a small birthday gathering over at their place. Check out how cute Claire was on her special day!

Ummm...yes. That would be my 3 1/2 month old baby next to my 1 year old neice. Think they could share clothes?


Happy Birthday Claire!!

Somebody liked their birthday cake...

Even Poppy got to have some ice cream cake!

Ebayer In Training

The well has run dry people. I was good & had saved a bunch of money for while I was out on maternity leave. Had I known my 12 weeks off was going to turn into 17 weeks off I would have saved a teeny bit more. Well, back to making money on Ebay. Marnie was a good girl & assisted in helping me take the pictures of the clothes.

Anthropologie shirt I'm gonna list

Monday, August 16, 2010

Coupon Queen Comes To Town

Saturday afternoon Mom came down & so of course we hit Goodwill. Sunday morning we got up early to bring stuff over to the local flea market. I sold what was left of the tag sale items from last week, Mom sold groceries that she had been buying to resell. You all know how she is the "Coupon Queen"...so she was busy going triple couponing & "getting her thrill" & stocking up on free items to resell. She made $460 on GROCERIES at the flea market!!! Is that unreal or what? And so guess what? She's coming back for the next two sales too. You go Crazy Lorraine!

Mom in action. This is the small pile of groceries in boxes that was left around 12:30pm. I totally forgot to take before/after pics.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

J & C

Can you say A-DOR-A-BLE?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Another Score!

I am so good. I just scored 2 free tickets to the Westport Playhouse again!!!! Something told me to come in to the office & check my emails...and there it was- "be one of the first 25 callers to win 2 free tickets to see 'I do I do' ". Tickets are $45 each.

I am so good. What can I say?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Captain's Cove

Friday night we went down to Captain's Cove for some fine dining...fried cod, clams, shrimp & scallops, fries, and cole slaw. If it was fryable, we ate it!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Adventure

So, you all know my gig. I love buying designer clothes, shoes & handbags for cheap and reselling them. Right? Well, over the past year Robyn, my friend Amy & most recently Tracey have suggested that I sell the items out of my garage. Open up the doors like once a month & just have a big sale. I've decided to take it a step further..I am going to rent a tent w/ portable changing rooms and even advertise the tent sale like crazy. I've got a huge batch of inventory myself already (see pic below!) and I'm also going to take in some consignments from a few close friends & family. Business name is TBD. Cross your fingers & send good vibes my way for a successful turnout.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Day!

Yesterday Marnie & I headed back home to go to my cousin Audra's bridal shower. She is so adorable & lively...she was just beaming the whole day.
After the shower we went with Mom & Dad over to our friends house, Donna & Kevin, to celebrate Donna's daughters engagement. It was so nice to get to see my family & friends and for some of them to meet Marnie for the first time!

Here's Audra trying on the cute Anthropologie apron I got her.

Marnie's first out-of-utero bridal shower
(p.s. she slept the whole time! can you imagine?)

Aunt Betty, Mom, me & Marnie (kinda)

Lisa, Mom, Courtney, Aunt Pat, Corrine & Audra

"Mother of the Bride" Aunt Annie & me

Here's Crazy Lorraine with Marnie over at Donna's

Miko standed guard over Marnie.
Good doggie.

Donna & Marnie

me & Polly the puppy