Wednesday, June 29, 2011

$2.99 For 2 Bottles Of Wine Shipped, Thank You Very Much!

There's so many of these new daily sale websites popping up all over the web & most offer $5 or $10 credit just for signing up. Lot18 is a new website that sells wine, cheese/meat & related wine accessories. I got $20 just for signing up! And, when you sign up to get their daily emails they have specials with free shipping. Sooooo...I got 2 bottles of wine today for $2.99 total shipped!!!!!

You know how I love a deal!!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yeah!!! He's Alive!

For the last few years I have seen this old guy driving around Westport in a Mercedes jeep with his trusty sidekick with him. It actually would make me smile every time I saw them, thinking how sweet it was that the guy would always have his best friend with him. The last few months I've seen the old guy driving around...without his buddy. So I sadly thought the dog had passed away. : (

But guess who I saw this morning on my way to work!!!!!

Yeah!!! He's alive!
Totally made my day!!!!!

...and incase you are worried about the dog falling out the back, there is a makeshift chain that allows him to move around inside the jeep

Monday, June 20, 2011

Night Out

Yeah! A night out for Mama & Papa Guadagno!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

8 Year Anniversary

Yesterday was our 8 year wedding anniversary. 8 years!!!!! Time flies.
So John surprised me and took me to a Yankee/Red Sox game to celebrate- right up our alley. We did our traditional 'buy a $2 hotdog outside the stadium before going in' move...they charge $5 for dogs inside! See, us Guadagno's are always looking to save a couple bucks!
The seats we had were great, we were right next to the Red Sox bullpen & got to watch the starting pitcher warm up. It obviously would have been cooler if it was the Yankee bullpen, but still it was neat to watch. Two of Johns goods friends, Matty & Dave, were at the game too so we met up with them in between innings.
Nice night out with my husband. Thanks Grammy & Grampy for staying up late & watching Marnie for us so we could have a night out.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Am I the only one who makes waffles w/ syrup for breakfast at work? I have to wasn't the same without sausages....