Friday, March 11, 2011


Do you remember how much snow we got her in CT over the past couple of months? Remember how we got slammed twice in almost a week? It's slowwwwwly been melting. It's been raining pretty hard the last few days so I'm sure it will be all gone today or tomorrow.

Remember this snow pile in our driveway?

This is what is left of it!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Girls Night

Friday night Colleen & I went to see Bethenny Frankel from The Real Housewifes of NYC do one of her Skinnygirl lectures. There was a room filled with about 1,800 women wanting to know all the inside gossip about the show. Do you watch it? Her hubby Jason even made a guest appearance on stage. Hysterical. Women went crazy... As if he was part of a male revue! My guess is they were all bombed on Skinnygirl margaritas!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oh Man...Am I On A Roll!

I never knew how many things you could get for FREE just buy using coupons & watching out for weekly deals at stores like CVS, Rite Aid & Walgreens. With all 3 of these stores within a 5 mile radius of our house I have been hitting them up like crazy! Here's what I got this week alone:

Rite Aid-
Orig cost: $64.27
I paid: $2.34
(and please would have been cheaper but John wanted me to buy the yellow balloon for Marnie...that kid is lucky I like her)

Orig cost: $31.69
I paid: $4.63 I come!!!!!

Makes You Want To Laugh

Check out this youtube video of a baby laughing! My mouth hurts from smiling/laughing.

Click here!