Tuesday, December 28, 2010

$25 Grab Bag Gift, Winner Yet Again!

We've made a Christmas Eve tradition of doing a $25 white Santa grab bag with John's family.
John was overcome with excitement at what he ended up with this year...Aunt Paula's yoga video & Reflections yoga women's tank top.

Honestly...I think the tank is very slimming. Wouldn't you agree?

Poor Rainbow

You know what Tortilla got for Christmas? Pink eye! Poor Rainbow. She woke up Christmas Eve morning with it and so we looked online as to what we could do about it before we could get in touch with the vets office. It said to softly wipe the eye with a wet/warm compress...so John thought it would really make Tortilla feel better to have the compress stuck on her eye. Thus, our make shift eye patch with a wet/warm piece of washcloth.

Every time I look at these pics I laugh.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lunar Eclipse 2010

So last night I set our alarm to go off at 3am so that John & I could go out and look at the Lunar Eclipse. You know what we saw? NOTHING!! The cloud coverage was so thick you couldn't see even one stinking star. You know what we saw? The neighbors outside light. That was about it. How disappointing is that?
I made him take a picture with me just to prove we were outside for it.

This pic is definetly a keeper!!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Old School Halloween

My MIL sent me this pic last week of John & I from Halloween many many moons ago. Look how young I look!!!! Where did the time go?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's That Time Of Year Again

Click here and here to watch the Guadagno's break it down!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This Could Quite Possibly Be My Mom....

For anyone who knows my Mom, aka 'The Coupon Queen', you will find this blog post by another Couponer hysterical. Click here! If I didn't know any better...I swear, the post could quite possibly be written by my Mom.

And, by the way, this past Halloween Mom & Dad were invited to a party & Mom dressed up as none other than the Coupon Queen, adorned with crown & coupons all over a dress. Priceless.