Monday, May 31, 2010

Crazy Cousins

After the baptism bbq yesterday we hurried home to make a quick outfit change & pick up Marnie to go over to Tracey & Tom's for a Memorial Day bbq. The weather was so gorgeous they set up Jack's pirate pool that John & I got him for his birthday. That kid was hysterical...he loved it! He was in it so long that he was literally turning purple & shivering...and did he care? Nope.

Ahoy Mates!

Here's Claire the Sock Bandit at it again...

Video's of Claire & Marnie and Jack in his pool (check out his feet shaking when he is on the about shivering!!) lol


Yesterday we celebrated our friends Amy & Jeff's daughter Claire's baptism. Was a beautiful day to be outdoors with friends...was a beautiful day to be baptised. Big G & Sue watched Marnie for us so we had a couple of hours of "adult time"...AAAHHHHH.

John, Claire & me

Amy, Claire, me & Colleen

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Crab Legs Anyone?

So obviously things are a little different in the Guadagno household these days. What once was an easy, lazy way of life has now become baby consumed & we've found our time is not our own anymore. John & I have been together for over 13 takes some time & adjustment to get used to there being somebody else in our lives (besides the dogs). Well last night we got some crab legs & corn on the cob for dinner. Just as we are about to sit down to eat Little Miss Pigroid woke up from her 4 hour nap & wanted to eat. Figures, right? Unfortunately, no matter how many times or ways you try to bargain with a baby (Please, just give me 5 more minutes....or....Marnie, I'll feed you in a couple of minutes- do you think you could suck on your pacifier for a little bit until I finish my dinner?) she ain't gonna give in.

So here is what we came up with....crab legs for 3.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

World Cup Tune Up

Last night John & a bunch of the family headed to Hartford to watch the United States vs. Czech Republic Send Off Series soccer game. Marnie & I opted out of this one & stayed home together. Before going to the game they all met at Doogies for hot dogs (Big G, Sue, Tara, Tracey & John coming from Fairfield...Bobby, Aferdita & Jamie coming from
Boston). John & I had seen the hot dog place featured on the Travel Channel's Man vs. Food show so they made sure they had enough time before the game to make a pit stop for dinner.

Outside Doogie's

Jamie took the 2 foot long hot dog challenge on

Another Year Gone By

Saturday the Guadagno's ventured up to Warwick to celebrate Dad's 64th birthday. Our first official "trip" as a cute. Of course the dogs came too so they could run around & play in the pond.

Here's the Otterbein clan googoo gagging all over Marnie. This picture was not posed, they honestly were all on the couch looking at the baby.
I guesss they like her.

It really did take both K&M to carry this Cheesecake Factory chocolate cake. We should have weighed the sucker before tearing into it.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Well, looks like our disgusting back yard wasn't disgusting enough. We weren't picked as finalist for the free backyard makeover contest. Click here to see which yards made it. John & I tend to think ours should have been a contender...and to be honest, it looks like some of the houses are so dumpy they don't deserve a nice beautiful backyard (is that mean?).